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On June 28, 2016, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed House Bill 390 into law thereby authorizing the use of a "private selling officer" to conduct a judicial foreclosure sale in lieu of the county sheriff. This later became codified as Ohio Revised Code §2329.152. The primary purpose Ohio Revised Code §2329.152 was not only to cure the backlog and volume of sheriff sale orders and unsold properties caused by the foreclosure crisis, but to create a comprehensive regulatory framework which would operate uniformly throughout all of Ohio’s 88 counties to provide efficient foreclosure procedures, increase the sale prices of foreclosed homes, and reduce the number of vacant properties blighting Ohio’s cities. Tweaked again in April of 2017 and March of 2019, and while not consistently implemented across the state, Ohio Revised Code §2329.152 was still effective in reducing the delay caused by Sheriff’s sales and bringing foreclosure sales into the modern era. Things are changing for the better in Ohio. Currently, while some courts allow or require eFiling, others still require physical delivery and even original signatures on documents in cases filed in Courts of Common Pleas. However, Ohio House Bill 305, which has been passed by the House and is in committee and expected to pass in the Senate, would require electronic filing of pleadings or documents in courts of common pleas (with the exception of probate and juvenile courts) and in municipal courts and county courts throughout the State of Ohio. Furthermore, any fees associated with electronic filing may be paid after the filing is made, unless the Clerk provides for an online payment system. The electronically filed copy of the pleading or document will be considered the official version of the document. The Clerk of Courts in each particular county may determine whether electronic filing may be achieved by email or an electronic filing platform. Once the Bill passes, counties will have 270 days to comply. The text of House Bill 205 can be read in its entirety as passed by the House at hb305_02_PH. This post was prepared by Ellen L. Fornash, Esq. While “squatting” is not considered a large problem in the State of Ohio, it has become an issue in the city of Cleveland in vacant and abandoned homes. While squatters occasionally can be removed simply by reporting the unauthorized occupancy to the county sheriff's office, often times, squatters present or claim a lease or valid tenancy, in which cases, sheriffs’ offices decline to enforce removal. In such cases, homeowners then must bear the burden, time and expense of filing a formal eviction action in the local municipal court. However, that may soon change. House Bill 478, sponsored by republican lawmakers Jeff LaRe and Jay Edwards, and the nearly identical House Bill 480, sponsored by republican lawmakers Tom Young and Steven Demetriou, seek to end squatting and the sale of fraudulent deeds, as well as to expedite and ease the process of removal of unauthorized occupants in the State of Ohio. Both Bills seek to amend section 2909.07 and to enact sections 1923.16 and 2913.53 of the Revised Code by removing the required use of the court system in eviction of unauthorized occupants. Padgett Law Group successfully argues that an action for foreclosure of a mortgage securing a time-barred note can be maintained in Trinity Fin. Servs., LLC v. D'Apolito, 7th Dist. Mahoning No. 23 MA 0028, 2024-Ohio-825. In D'Apolito, the borrower appealed the decision of the Mahoning County Common Pleas Court granting summary judgment to Plaintiff and ordering foreclosure of the mortgage asserting that the trial court erred in “failing to conclude the expiration of the statute of limitations on a note necessarily barred the action on the mortgage securing the debt.” The borrower based his argument upon, "Long-standing Ohio Supreme Court precedent holds that when action on a promissory note is time-barred, then foreclosure of a mortgage securing that note is time-barred as well." Padgett Law Group (PLG) announced today it has added New Jersey to its core footprint states, which are jurisdictions where the firm exceeds GSE minimum requirements and has received a “no objection” status. The addition of New Jersey allows PLG to offer clients its comprehensive suite of default legal services in eleven states, which also includes Florida, where the firm is based, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, and Alabama. PLG provides additional legal services, specifically bankruptcy, residential and commercial foreclosure, and replevin, on its national platform to clients seeking a single-source model for national portfolio management.
“Our growth in the northeast is part of a long-term strategy that began pre-pandemic with our hiring of Jacqueline F. McNally, Esq., who has driven our investment and growth in the region. New Jersey is a natural addition to our footprint, and we’re excited to bring PLG’s exceptional level of client service, partnership, and aggressive legal strategies to the state,” said Chief Executive Officer Robyn S. Padgett. The Attorney Responsible for the New Jersey practice is Jacqueline F. McNally. Jackie is licensed in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Georgia, Ohio, and the District of Columbia. With over a decade of multi-jurisdictional leadership, Jackie is a well-rounded legal executive who brings years of local experience and extensive knowledge of practice-building, legal and process management, and client relations to PLG and its clients." “I am excited to build on our growth and success in Pennsylvania and execute our long-held strategic vision of growth in the northeast market. Clients will quickly see the synergies in having PLG operating in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as the dynamic opportunities presented by PLG’s larger footprint and national services, which are complementary to our clients’ needs,” said Jacqueline F. McNally, Esq, Assistant Vice President of Legal Operations, and leader of the firm’s New Jersey practice. Current clients interested in adding PLG to their matrix for New Jersey or using the firm immediately can reach out to [email protected]. New clients can complete the firm’s online form at to quickly engage the firm for services in New Jersey or other PLG jurisdictions. The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida solidified that a debtor is unable to modify a plan and vacate a confirmation order, nearly seven years after the plan was confirmed, to strip a mortgage creditor’s lien. PLG, via its attorney Seth J. Greenhill, Esq., sustained a significant victory for its client in bankruptcy court. On August 3, 2023, the Court issued its published opinion, In re Gilbert, 2023 Bankr. LEXIS 1952, whereby the Court correctly found that the Debtor was unable to use §1329 to modify a plan to strip a junior lien when plan payments were completed; and (2) the Debtor could not use §105(a) to vacate a confirmation order nearly seven years after the order was entered. It is worth noting that PLG took an aggressive approach by taking the Debtor’s deposition (i.e. Rule 2004 Examination) in order to lock in her testimony and show that she knew about the lien, yet failed to include it. This strategy, which Attorney Greenhill has successful deployed in past litigation, proved useful in this case and was, ultimately, advantageous to the Client in that it secured pivotal testimony later used by Creditors’ counsel. |
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Padgett Law Group and Padgett Law Group EP are D/B/As of Timothy D. Padgett, P.A. Timothy D. Padgett, P.A.'s practice areas include creditors' rights, estate planning and probate, real estate transactions and litigation. Not all practices or services are available in all states in which Timothy D. Padgett, P.A. practices.